Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein I of Jordan at the peace treaty signing ceremony.jpg 300 × 423; 21 KB. Avi Shlaim reveals that Hussein initiated a secret dialogue with Israel in 1963 and spent hundreds of hours in talks with countless Israeli officials. Jordan’s leadership is currently concerned about possible implications of the American peace initiative for Jordan’s interests and security. David Schenker is the Taube Senior Fellow at The Washington Institute and former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. [35] Lehane, Sinead. Jerusalem Post, January 6, 2019. “Scoop: U.S. pressing Israel to implement pipeline project with Jordan”. The Jordanian army and security services are a key component of Israeli border security along Israel’s longest border. After several days of tension, the issue moved to a more discreet level, involving intermediaries appointed by the Jordanian King and the Israeli prime minister (the latter is National Security Advisor, Meir Ben-Shabat, formerly a senior officer of the Shin Bet and thus well versed in Palestinian affairs). Another major and expressed goal of the project, is to promote regional stability and peace and create a symbol of peace and regional cooperation. The peace treaty with Israel led to the transformation of the Jordanian economy. [31] Many of the many sections on economic and civil cooperation included in the Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement and its annexes (as well as some 15 other agreements signed in 1995-1997) have not been, or only partially been implemented. Israeli-Jordanian Trade: In-Depth Analysis. The security connection enables many differences in other spheres to be addressed in a businesslike and de-escalatory way. Little preparation of public opinion was done before its announcement: Jordanians had known little or nothing about the secret meetings and understandings between the King and Israeli leaders over the decades before the peace treaty was announced. But the reality is more complex, due to intermarriage between communities (and the traditional view of the father’s nationality as the determining one), and the fact that the vast majority are Jordanian citizens (as opposed to the situation in all other Arab states) and have adopted, alongside their Palestinian cultural and historical identity, a Jordanian civic identity. A stable Jordan prevents the establishment of a hostile regime or the spread of chaos on Israel’s longest border, and serves as a trustworthy “doorkeeper” to the West Bank. Reaction in Israel, after initial expressions of surprise and dismay, was muted. Coming so close on the heels of the Oslo agreements with the Palestinians, it also raised the possibility of new relationships with other Arab states. Any such disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations shall be resolved by conciliation or submitted to arbitration. The Jordanian leadership is currently concerned about the looming American Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, and its possible implications for Jordanian interests and security. Jordan has registered objections to the construction of the new Israeli airport since construction began in 2013, since its flight approaches may violate Jordanian airspace, and it comes in place of the creation of a joint airport for Eilat and Aqaba. It is tried and true. However, the Hashemite monarchy has survived by a careful policy of close attention to public opinion (even when it doesn’t always honor it) and careful trimming, certainly in its public diplomacy. October 26, 2016. Arguments against the gas deal ranged from ideological to economic, but usually comprised a blend of the different rationales. The Parties will co-operate in combating crime, with an emphasis on smuggling, and will take all necessary measures to combat and prevent such activities as the production of, as well as the trafficking in illicit drugs, and will bring to trial perpetrators of such acts. It is reportedly carrying out political and security steps (including changes in the leadership of its intelligence service and a government reshuffle) in anticipation of possible negative repercussions in the West Bank and in the Kingdom itself. Israel will sell 50 million cubic meters to Jordan, and 30 million cubic meters to the PA (which has not carried out negotiations with Israel so far), further north. [52] “If shaken, Jordan will burn everyone around — Fayez”. [26] Gal, Yitzhak. On the political side, the peace is not popular in Jordan, where the majority views it as “the King’s”, not “theirs”. There are some bright spots in the economic relationship: One of the main joint economic projects on the agenda today is the “Jordan Gateway Project”. Many Israelis, for their part, thought in 1994 – as part of a wider optimism regarding regional developments – that they would now be accepted as part of the region, and that Jordan would be a bridge to wider regional popular acceptance of Israel. Jordan ‘celebrated’ the 25 anniversary of the peace treaty with Israel by recalling its ambassador to the Jewish State.. Praise for Camp David: Peacemaking and Politics "The most authoritative account of a major historic event, written with scrupulous scholarship by a key behind-the-scenes participant." —Zbigniew Brzezinski, Adviser to the President for ... The cost of the Red-Dead canal, for instance, is not only its actual cost to the Israeli taxpayer or consumer, but also the opposing costs of worsened political relations and lost reputation by not standing by our commitments. The leaderships and national security establishments will continue to consult and cooperate regarding regional developments and threats, Jordanians will continue to dislike the agreement, and Israelis will continue to feel bittersweet about a “stalled romance”. The Temple Mount is a recurring source of tension between the two countries. The Parties take note of the negotiations on the international air corridor to be opened between them in accordance with the Washington Declaration. The most plausible scenario for the near- to mid-term is “more of the same”. While these mega-projects hold great potential for significant economic and other benefits on both sides, their very size and significance makes them conspicuous and a “lightning rod” for anti-Israel sentiment on the Jordanian side, and makes disagreements and delays in their implementation into major sources of political tension. [25]Sharp, Jeremy M.. Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations. Anwar Sadat, Mubarak’s predecessor, laid the groundwork for it with his visit to Jerusalem in November 1977. [38] It is worth remembering that the deal is not only Jordanian-Israeli, but to a large extent Jordanian-American, and was signed with the encouragement of the US government. In the optimistic scenario, gas begins to flow and electricity prices in Jordan drop; the Red-Dead project is approved by the new Israeli government; security ties remain good; and the bilateral relations continues as they have, but slightly better. [3] Riedel, Bruce. [15] It was also part of a larger effort by King Hussein to rehabilitate relations with the United States, which had reached a nadir due to the Jordanian refusal to join the coalition against Saddam Hussein in 1990-91. In addition, the founding of ISIS in February 2014 and its rapid conquests of northern Syria and northwestern Iraq likewise posed a threat to Jordan. Officially, Jordan and Israel have been at peace for the past 26 years. Taking into account the special circumstances of the Naharayim/Baqura area, which is under Jordanian sovereignty, with Israeli private ownership rights, the Parties agreed to apply the provisions set out in Annex I (b). The obligations referred to in this Article are without prejudice to the inherent right of self-defence in accordance with the United Nations Charter. Jordan is considering suspending parts of the 1994 peace treaty with Israel, sources told Al-Monitor, if Israel goes ahead with its plan to annex parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Much effort is put therefore into insulating the security and military relationships from the vicissitudes of the political relations. Jordan’s greatest fear is of regional instability which could challenge one of its five borders, three of which – with Iraq, Syria and the West Bank – have been threatened for long periods of its history. [13] “GID takes charge of Relationship with Baghdad.” Intelligence Online. It is said to have accelerated after the violent riots in the southern city of Ma’an in 2002, the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 leading to the inflow of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees, and the November 2005 terrorist attacks in Amman. “Is new energy league an alliance against Ankara?” Al-Monitor, January 24, 2019. The end of the crisis in Syria has contributed to this, as Jordan has less significance as a lynchpin and base for allied activity there. These negotiations will be concluded no later than 6 months from the exchange the instruments of ratification of this Treaty. Ideas abound for creation of convention centers, medical centers and educational institutions within the enclave, but its progress, especially on the Israeli side, has been sluggish, with actual progress (slightly increased since 2012-2013, with a government resolution on the project in October 2013) outstripped by rhetoric. The most plausible scenario for the near- to mid-term, as is so often the case, is “more of the same”. The peace treaty refers implicitly to the three main principles of international customary water law (rule of equitable and reasonable utilisation, the no-harm rule and the duty to cooperate), but adapts them to the special political situation. Peaks in Israeli-Palestinian tension and violence are reflected on the Jordanian “street”, through demonstrations and anti-Israeli campaigns. The Marker (Hebrew), July 26, 2018. Both Parties, acknowledging that mutual understanding and co-operation in security-related matters will form a significant part of their relations and will further enhance the security of the region, take upon themselves to base their security relations on mutual trust, advancement of joint interests and co- operation, and to aim towards a regional framework of partnership in peace. Found insideIn particular, the book looks at the interplay between the U.S.-led peace process and internal Palestinian politics—namely, how a badly flawed peace process helped to weaken Palestinian leaders and institutions and how an increasingly ... In addition, continued violence and political impasse between the Palestinians and Israel, keeps Jordanian public opinion “on the boil”. On October 21, 2018, King Abdullah announced (via Twitter) that he would not renew two annexes to the 1994 peace treaty with Israel. The Camp David Accords, signed by President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in September 1978, established a framework for a historic peace treaty concluded between Israel and Egypt in March 1979. Also, there are fears that under the Trump plan, Jordan would be forced to play a role in the West Bank over Palestinian population centers under the banner of confederation. A bilateral agreement allows over 2000 Jordanian workers to cross the border each day to work in housekeeping in the hotel industry in Eilat, alleviating a local labor shortage. However, while some costs of the relationship, especially of the major infrastructure projects, are ostensibly calculable, it is much more difficult to count the savings and benefits from twenty-five years of peace. The leftover brine from desalination and whatever water is not processed, will be piped 200 km. This is reflected in the creation of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum in January 2019, encompassing Israel and Jordan as well as Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Cyprus , Greece and Italy (as noted below). The international boundary between Israel and Jordan is delimited with reference to the boundary definition under the Mandate as is shown in. [14] See Shamir, The Rise and the Decline of the Warm Peace, pp. This leads to a situation where people don’t know if what they see in the media is real, or only reflects opinions of the people who monopolize the media outlets. [29] The Observatory of Economic Complexity. [54] Eran, Oded. [50], Osama al-Sharif  explains: “The King believes Jordan stands to lose if there was a departure from the two-state solution and that the future may bring new pressures on Jordan in terms of renewed threats to the kingdom’s stability, with the burying of the right of return for refugees or reviving [of] Israeli claims about Jordan being an alternative Palestinian state. [34] The discussion of the Jordan Gateway Project is based on briefings from the Ministry of Regional Cooperation, and a visit to the site with Col. A 1994 peace treaty with Israel should be scrapped, 47 Jordanian MPs have said, after the Knesset debated Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque compound, a newspaper reported Wednesday. Both countries are today also concerned about the succession to Abu Mazen in the Palestinian Authority. Another grating phenomenon was the outpouring of support for Ahmad Daqamseh, who in March 1997 opened fire and killed seven Israeli girls, sixth- and seventh-graders. There is, he notes, a lack of statistics, and of objective and professional public opinion polls that could indicate if the people reject or accept some kind of relationship with Israel and under what circumstances they would agree with the government regarding its relationship with Israel.[23]. On the Israeli side, the heads of the two intelligence services, as well as the Prime Minister’s diplomatic and national security advisors, have been key players. This is directed at the very regimes which take risks to maintain relations with us, and can be seen by them as a devious demand to risk even more by letting light in on the relations and actively promoting them internally, even when the regional and domestic environment poses great risks for such a policy. Jordan Canceling Annexes of Peace Treaty With Israel, King Abdullah Says. Jordan became a hub for Western and Arab surveillance of Syria, air operations and clandestine operations within Syria, as well as coordinated, covert security assistance to the Syrian opposition. It has said repeatedly that it has not been consulted on political aspects of the plan, about which it has expressed reservations. Trade in services is also reported to be low: Jordan exports roughly $100 million in services to Israel – less than 2 per cent of total Jordanian exports of non-factor services, and about 1 per cent if Jordanian workers’ compensation is included. Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein I of Jordan at the peace treaty signing ceremony.jpg 300 × 423; 21 KB. [36] “Jordan-Israel gas pipeline faces another challenge.” Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports, Israel Edition, April 30, 2018. Stay updated and be the first to receive JISS publications, Home / Scholarship / The Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty at 25: A Slightly Tarnished, but Still Important, Silver Anniversary,, Expert on strategic and political developments in the Arab world. [10] Harel, Amos. In the weeks before the decision, there was public and parliamentary agitation in Jordan not to renew the annexes. The winner of the tender is expected to be announced a year after it is issued; a year after that, work will begin, and four or five years later, construction of the desalination plant and the pipeline will be completed, and a limited, controlled flow of Red Sea water to the Dead Sea will begin. They also used the gas deal as the spear-point of a more general criticism of the opaque nature of government policy-making, and its disregard of public sentiment and lack of public or parliamentary input.The Lower House of the Jordanian Parliament voted (27 March) to reject the gas deal under Article 33 of the Jordanian Constitution, which requires approval by the Parliament of all treaties and agreements which “involve financial commitments to the Treasury or affect the public or private rights of Jordanians”. In 1994, Israel and Jordan negotiated a peace treaty, which was signed by Yitzhak Rabin, King Hussein and Bill Clinton in Washington, DC on 25 July 1994. [43] Landau, Noa and Yaniv Kobowitz. 4, p. 571. [18] Shamir, The Rise and the Decline of the Warm Peace, p. 158. Haaretz, June 21, 2017. Ties between Jordan and Israel have sunk to their lowest point since the day their landmark peace treaty was signed in 1994. Since November 2012, as the Syrian Civil War cut off land access from Jordan to markets in Europe, especially Turkey – a not insignificant trading partner accounting for 2.5% of Jordanian exports and 3.5 percent of imports – the two countries have reached a discreet agreement under which these goods have transited the Israeli port of Haifa. The most dangerous is for the two to combine, and for a severe development on the Israeli-Jordanian axis to become a rallying point for the disenchanted. Thousands of colorful balloons released into the sky ended the event. To accommodate the tourists, twenty-four weekly flights link Ben Gurion, Sde Dov, and Queen Alia Airports. Israeli officials and experts complain that the regime conceals the benefits of the peace with Israel, and doesn’t strongly make the economic and strategic arguments to counter the critics: defending the relationship with Israel openly has only costs and no benefits, in internal political terms. Housing Minister Uri Ariel to link their nerves about any impending settlement freeze. February 20, 2019. The Jordan-Israel peace treaty signed on October 26, 1994, picked up where the fifteen-year-old Egypt-Israel peace treaty of March 1979 left off. Israel is to sell fresh water from the Sea of Galilee to northern Jordan, as well as to sell the Palestinian Authority discounted fresh water produced by existing Israeli desalination plants on the Mediterranean. The same area is controlled on the Jordanian side by two military commands (Central and Southern), each under the command of a general; their combined forces comprise several brigades. And according to one former CIA official quoted in 2005 by the Los Angeles Times, the intelligence partnership became so close that the agency had technical personnel "virtually embedded" at Jordan's General Intelligence Directorate headquarters. In addition to trade, the peace treaty initiated Israeli-Jordanian cooperation in a range of strategically important realms, including water scarcity. The issue of Jerusalem can derail much of what Israel is trying to accomplish in terms of normalization with the wider Arab and Muslim world, and can threaten the strategic relationship with Jordan. [12] Melman, Yossi. This is because such a large part of the substantive cooperation is in the security field, but also because the Jordanians prefer that almost all the key content of the bilateral relationship be handled through covert, and therefore discreet, channels. By 1988, Jordan ceded all claims to the West Bank to the Palestinians before the Hashemite Kingdom signed a peace deal with Israel in 1994. Of course, some of this sentiment may simply be a cost-free way for ordinary citizens to criticize the palace, confident in the knowledge that peace with Israel is sacrosanct. Israel - Israel - Economy: The large influx of well-trained and Western-educated European and North American immigrants contributed greatly to a rapid rise in Israel’s gross national product (GNP) after 1948. The Bridge at the Jordan Gateway Project. Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty (1979) Israeli-Lebanese peace treaty attempt (1983) Oslo Accords (1993) Israel–Jordan Peace Treaty (1994) UNSC 1701 (Israel-Lebanon ceasefire treaty) (2006) Approachment of Israel and Gulf States in light of mutual … However, some Israeli experts, supported by government officials (such as Netanyahu’s chief economic adviser, Avi Simhon, and the Ministry of Energy, which is responsible for the Israel Water Authority), question the economic viability of the project. This book explores the Jordanian-Israeli relations from a Jordanian perspective, focusing on the peacebuilding experience since 1994. In case of divergence of interpretation the English text shall prevail. The goal of the Forum is to  to serve as an umbrella for cooperation and dialogue regarding the development of gas resources in the region; observers see it also as a “regional lobby” to counter Turkish efforts to disrupt members’ exploration the eastern Mediterranean Sea. [10] In talks with US officials in 2014, Israeli diplomats reportedly said Israel would be prepared to take military action to save the Hashemite Kingdom if it came under ISIS attack. ” imposed by prime Minister Rabin and King Hussein their needs avi Shlaim reveals that Hussein initiated a dialogue. Perspective, focusing on the economic side, the negotiations on the Jordanian population and.. Much of the early successes jordan and israel peace treaty bilateral relationships ] Barari, Jordan and Israel have sunk to their point..., which might become violent recognise that their water resources are not sufficient to meet needs. 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